Mariners Irvine Location: 5001 Newport Coast Dr, Irvine, CA 92603
HOURS : Monday – Friday (except Thursday) 9a-4p | Thursday 9a-7p | Saturday 3:30-7:30p | Sunday 8a-1:30p
CONNECT: 949.769.8300

Mariners Oceanside Location: 4000 Mystra Dr, Oceanside, CA 92056
HOURS : Sunday 9a-12:30p | Monday 10a-2p

Mariners Santa Ana Location: 120 W 5th St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
HOURS : Sunday 9a-2:30p

Showing 97 - 108 of 112 result

The First Few Years Of Marriage


When a marriage is new, it’s exciting. But as time passes, couples can drift apart and wrestle with the challenges that are common in any marriage. It can feel overwhelming,...

The Image Of God Workbook


**ONLINE PURCHASE Limit 2 books per online purchase** This 8-week Deep Dive course authored by Ines Franklin and Steve Bang Lee, explores the scriptural meaning and application of God’s Image...

The Quokkas, The Snails, And The Land of Happiness


New book from Pastor Eric and Evie Geiger Two quokkas, two snails, one strawberry patch . . .Suzy and Sam Snail live in the Land of Sadness, constantly working hard...

The Story Of God Workbook


**ONLINE PURCHASE Limit 2 books per online purchase** The Story of God, one of three studies in the Deep Dive series, is an 8-week, group-discipleship resource exploring the overarching redemptive...

Theology and The Mission of God Workbook


**ONLINE PURCHASE Limit 2 books per online purchase** Deep Dive is a new series of Bible Study resources that take core theological truths and make them accessible for everyone. Theology and...

To Have & To Hold


The “new normal,” where couples sit together in silence while they’re consumed with their phone, has to be addressed, and while I don’t have all the solutions for this problem,...

Uncharted Navigating Your Unique Journey Of Faith


DISCOVER THE UNCHARTED PATHFULL OF MYSTERY AND FULL OF FAITHEvery faith journey is unique—a beautiful and at times frightening mystery—fully knownonly to our Creator. Unfortunately, this journey can also be...
Showing 97 - 108 of 112 result
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